
Easter - Good Friday

Two days ago a friend messaged me, "...Why is Good Friday called 'good' Friday?" 
First reaction: huh? so random?
Second reaction: wow, awesome, she want to know about Christ? Wait, doesn't every body (at least the long-term residents of any western society with Christian b/g) know?
Followed by: hmmm...blank...search Google, try to remember sermons, readings (in case my words are not enough; in case I get it wrong; in case I misunderstood; in case I misinform...)
Then: Pause...STOP, bang my head, this answer I should know and remember by heart. Not technically, as to the word 'good', but I know the significance.
In the end....after 15minutes of stringing words together I replied,  "...when Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. Because Christ's death and resurrection paid for the Sins of all mankind in our place, so that we are able to come before God in his name. His death is victory over death, sin and devil, a sigh of eternal hope for mankind..."

After thought:
Besides reflecting on my own behavior from the event...
Easter holiday is not just another long weekend break on a Christian's calender. Let not remembrance become a tradition, a fixture on the calendar and meanings?
"We weep, but we also rejoice."

When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 
- 1 Corinthians 15:54-57


  1. "It is finished!"

    Your friend's curiosity to know more about Good Friday is already in itself a triumphant victory for God..

    Good job,Rei...

  2. Romans 14:5-13

    My two cents worth:
    There is no greater Good for the world than salvation through Christ. "Good" is such a watered down term in our society - God in all His splendour and might created all things and saw that it was good. The word "good" and God are often associated all over the Bible anyway and - as with many things unknown to the secular world - has gradually drifted into common vocabulary (i.e. "goodbye" being derived from "God be with ye").

  3. Thanks for putting up that post Rei. It reminded me why is Good Friday good. And now I know where 'goodbye' derived from. Interesting.

  4. Our EMYF is starting a bible study on the Book of John and we're studying Ch 18 on fri (about Jesus' arrest and trial). Because I'm leading the BS I had to think up of questions. I decided to use your fren's question as one of the BS questions. With some elaboration @'s comment is a good answer too. Thanks for the idea pplz.
