
Learning together~

Something I came across while preparing for sunday school about leprosy...
Something the children likely to do better than their teachers.

Mark 1-2: Cleansed!

Leprosy Victim

Leprosy Victim

The leper of Mark 1:40-45 amazes me. Jesus told him to keep his mouth shut and he couldn’t. What saddens me is Jesus has told me to keep my mouth open and I don’t.

The thing I need to recognize about this whole scenario is the leper couldn’t keep quiet because of the joy over his cleansing. He knew exactly how defiled and vile he had been. Therefore, he was overjoyed at his newfound cleansing. He had to tell someone.

Who do you think he told first? I imagine he told the only people that had stayed with him, the other lepers he had been relegated to live with outside the city. He probably told his family. He may have told his friends. I bet he told the next person he saw in the street.

What I need to do is realize just how defiled and vile I was spiritually. Only then can I have the joy of the cleansing Jesus has given. Perhaps, when I remember that and meditate on it, I won’t be able to help telling people about it either.

Keep the faith and keep reading,


1 comment:

  1. Yay!! You finally made a post Michelle. =) Actually today I was thinking about what I was like before I knew Jesus. But i didn't want to dwell on it because it felt uncomfortable. I had such a wordly view of life - so directionless and empty. Life is better now with Him living in me. =)
